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Day 14: COVID-19

It’s been two weeks now. Like the rest of the country and most of the world, we are staying home as much as possible, only venturing out for essential services. A lot has changed but a lot feels the same. These past two weeks feel longer than most. Here‘s what happened recently:

In local family news, Vivian is doing more with Google classroom and is stressed out about it. Some teachers have lower expectations for kids that are just now learning how to use the Chromebook, Google Docs, Google Slides, and Zoom. Others have really high expectations and expect the kids to be doing grade-level work as if they had full-time teacher’s assistants at home. Hey, so, they do, sort of. With Colette, it takes Beth a lot of work to keep Vivian on task and Coco occupied so she doesn’t bust in.

I moved my office upstairs this weekend for a change of pace. I need to get up and move more than five feet in any direction these days. Oomph is maintained pretty well. We have seen only one or two clients fall off or projects fail to start. We still have been getting some new leads.

It could be so much worse. I could be laid off. I could be sick. Beth could be sick. My parents could get it. Her parents. I could have had some travel plans that are cancelled and non-reimbursable. I could… it could be worse. Right now we are just dealing with normal strangeness about this new life — alone together. Feeling very alone even though we are together.